Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You Can Learn German Fast And Easy

You Can Learn German Fast And Easy

The best way to learn German fast, or any other foreign language like French, is to learn to think in that language. You may wonder how you get yourself to that point in the first place. Is it even possible for an English speaker to think in German? Yes, it is and it's as easy as opening your mouth to take a deep breath.

It's really not as difficult as you might think. An important aspect of learning any foreign language is to develop a good ear for the way the new language sounds. A very good starting point in your German learning adventure would be to listen to authentic German conversations. You will discover that many German sounds, sound totally different from their English rival. "Th" in German is pronounced like an English "T." The letter "G" is never soft, either. As an English speaker you might find German as a harsh language, but the more you familiarize yourself with the sound of the language the quicker you will learn to speak and understand it.

Go buy or rent a DVD starring an actor or actress that speak English with a German accent. Practice speaking some of the actor's lines, mimicking the accent as closely as possible. You're still speaking English but you're using your newly-trained ear to teach yourself what German feels like on the tongue. Becoming familiar with the sound and feel of the German language will help you master the German language faster than if you were to learn it from scratch as a foreign sounding language.

Of course, neither of those steps really teaches you German. For that you need some kind of course. Many people nowadays enjoy online learning, because they can study at their own pace and repeat lessons until they've mastered them. Other people would prefer audio or software based language courses or by taking an evening class at their local College. Whichever way you choose to study, however, make sure your coursework emphasizes oral conversation. Learning German is a dynamic activity, and you can't learn to speak the language from a book because the book can't speak back. You will learn German fast only if you speak it and hear it spoken.

Please take note of this very important tip as you learn to speak German: remember that all German nouns have genders they are either masculine, feminine, or neuter. This isn't something we have to worry about in English, so gendered nouns may be new to you. Masculine nouns include dog (der Hund) and coat (der Mantel). Feminine nouns include blanket (die Decke) and vacation (die Ferien). Neuter nouns include house (das Haus) and pig (das Schwein). As you can see, the article "the" can be translated as either "der," "die," or "das" depending upon the gender of the noun it accompanies. There's no way to predict whether a noun is going to be masculine, feminine, or neuter, so if you want to learn German fast, always remember to learn the proper article at the same time you learn the noun.

Finally, here is the most important way to learn German fast: I recommend you make a German friend so that you can practice having a German conversation whenever you have the opportunity to do so! Dialogues on tapes or CDs are great, but to really get the feel of a language, you need to speak it just as you would your own. For that you need a partner. You'll not only learn German fast that way, but you'll improve your social life at the same time!

Explore the popular foreign language learning site Learnalanguage.me for more quality language learning programs.
Do YOU want more ways to learn German fast? Visit the Rocket German review page for more information and grab your 6-day Free German lessons.